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Umami is the new buzz word but I don’t think he knows what Unami is 🙂
Stopped watching camera all over the place, makes U dizzy, U need a better cameraman , never again
Sounds like Stuart Pearce and Charlie sloth
We've all seen it because we follow Fallow 😅 take some time to have a watch
Crazy how Eddie Hall was able to fit on the bar stool
From buying 2 chickens for a tenner in a back alley in Brum to this 😂 The eyeball was a big mistake!!!
Win lottery,
Go to Fallow
Go out for a nice meal get stuck next to these loud guys with a camera. I bet your fellow diners were thrilled.
The Fallow boys are killing it. Absolutely blinding. Have you been to Roe and Fowl?
Shit review!
He told you not to eat the eye.
Love all of these restaurant reviews – you should do yearly recap / ranking the best spots you’ve visited
Mate, you don't east the cod's head. You throw it away. Lunduners are mugs.
No restaurant in central London is good. It's all just over priced rubbish for the unsuspecting tourists. Always has been and always will be.
R U a bouncer mate?
Why would anyone go to this restaurant in a trackie? What a slob.
Fallow is amazing BTW
55 minutes of this camera? I’m out??
So the Oil on the Cod Head isnt Leak Oil then ?
And the Rip Eye ws destroyed by Truffel…Thank you for sharing
I mean it’s good but 3 month waiting list? 😂 been there twice and booked on the day.
You should blur out the faces of the people next to your or in the background as they've never consented to being in your YouTube video. It would really annoy if I went out to dinner and someone was filming me.
This guy has such great facial expressions when he eats stuff!!
Eating a kebab has worse things in it than that fish eye 🙂
Amazing how efficient they are using EVERY last bit of their product. Ive dabbled in restaurants, and food waste is always a terrible thing for a business. These guys not only dont waste, they have figured out a business model to charge top dollar for them. That is restaurant genius my friends.
the nosh looks decent and original
Mate ur blood pressure is either really high or your on sun beds, tour glowing red 😂😂☀️
😮 sorry had to turn off in the end as that chicken wing creep angered me so much ! Greedy, greedy ! Ate most of it all. Like to know who pays for the meal that he mostly devowers
Wow that wing fest bloke took and ate most of it ! Talk about greedy !
FEED DAN for Jaysis sake. 🎥
his skin is disgusting
That other guy was literally
Born for selling something..
Very very convincing 😅😅
The level of energy you guys bring, it’s exhausting to watch! 😂 So good to see how excited you are trying new things.
No, no it is not
That TRT got your voice like Phyllis from Corrie back in the day bro 😂
Love that you feed and include your camera man! ❤from a fellow camera man!!
that guy with the wingfest jumper on is mad cringey, gives off a proper weird vibe i couldnt cope lol
Taking the piss out of the punter charging £28 for an off-cut 😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Chef in California here. Visited London last month and Fallow was the only place I planned to eat, wasn’t disappointed. Excellent and impressive example of quality British Fayre. Well done
Can't watch the fat lad in the tight tracky because he's so selfish, always looking out for himself first..helps himself to the best portions and then second thoughts his guy and throws him a scrap…greed is not good content
Solid solid content 👍👍👍
May be good but very expensive
you need to try bibi london, insane indian food
Dan you gotta try this and they eat it all
Food so good he turned Red Lol !!
Lady behind didn’t look to impressed 🤣
They probably grew up in a ghetto slum parts of the UK!They lack of vocabulary so that means they were jot properly educated as well!