Ia adalah tahun 1971 apabila Jim Morrison mencapai sesuatu! Dengan 6 tahun pembawa intensif, 6 album dan 200 konsert, tidak seperti lambang Doors. Tetapi masih ada yang mengatakan bahawa Dionysos terus mengalami tragedi. Illustré par de nombreux témoignages et images d'archives, nous revenons avec ce reportage sur les derniers jours de cette icon du rock, rongée par les tourments d'une vie de star. Pengarang: Michael Gagnet
What happened is Jim fell off a shed in California before leaving for Paris. They said it was a pretty high fall that could have damaged his heart valves. He didn’t get treatment and kept drinking.
July 3rd 1971, he woke up as usual, ran a bath and died all of a sudden from a heart attack.
muchas conjeturas y solo puedo llegar a una conclusión: faltó investigación. No hubo interés de saber la verdad y sí mucho interés de ocultarla. Paso a pensar que jamás fue apreciado por alguien más que sus fans… Quizás también por sus compañeros de banda, aunque tampoco se les permitió acceso alguno a nada más que saber la noticia.
¿Por qué casualmente en la revisión, se dijo que "no había marcas de agujas en su cuerpo"? Casualmente, Jim siempre manifestó aversión por las agujas y reclamaba a su novia por drogarse con heroína, y casualmente no encuentran perforaciones de agujas en su cuerpo…… Tanto interés en declarar que no habían perforaciones de agujas, y no dejar que nadie viese su cuerpo, sólo me dice que esa muerte por consumo de heroína, fue inducida…. Quizás sin querer, o queriendo convenientemente aquel hombre que tuvo un romance con la novia de Jim.
En todo caso, ya ninguno vive para decirlo, y quedará el misterio para siempre
died from a heart attack.? aight den… laurel canyon by the way…
Muito bem feito. Parabéns aos idealizadores.
Ein zugedröhnter Typ mit zu viel Geld, Ruhm, Einfluss.
Pam…you were the real poison… Before YUKO ONO there was you😡
😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😮😮😮❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ QUE TRISTEZA…
Jim Morrison is a death faker. He faked his death. Rusty Sharpe , and finally became Rush Limbaugh. … When trump awarded Limbaugh the medal of freedom , Jim's sister was one row behind Rush ( Jim).
Se tivesse entregado sua vida há jesus Cristo conserteza tinha o salvado 🙏
Он был наркоманом
Jim is the best, xx
Héro zéro comme disait l'autre poète…
Well done documentary. 👏
Schreckliche Stimme und Übersetzung. KI ist Mist..
OK. Nillie Manillie lip syncing was a thing (Ashlee Simpson did it too), but Jim Morrison's vocals sound JUST like the studio recording on this performance. I realize after having sung this song 100s of times that it's easy to get the vocal affectations the same each and every time but at 6:15 the recording has 16th notes on the snare but drummer is riding the ride with his right hand.
Why is the recording not synced up with the video?
Como que Pamela dorme com seu amado passando mal?
Damn that when I look back over my life I’m struck by postcards ruined snapshots faded posters I can’t recall was him??????
Alguien sabe el sonido que suena en este documento en que aparece en la foto de jim y pamela ?
Tanto talento.. desperdiciado por la droga..perdidas incalculables.
Jim Morrison hatte bis kurz vor seinem Tod Atemprobleme und nach seinem Tod fand man ihm in der Badewanne mit Nasebluten. Herzinfarkt? Wirklich?
The bath water was warm 10 hours after the fact? Very odd, incongruous detail
Wow, such a sad story 😢
Of the 2 possible versions , I think the second one is the most plausible.
It's a shame that we will never really know the truth 😢
Rest in Peace , James Douglas Morrison 🌼 🥀 🌼
La droga l avranno portata a Pamela che sicuramente da eroinomane, come la Maggior parte, quando si è trovata a contatto con un problema che l ha desta da quel momento di tranquillità indotto dalla sostanza, e quindi non sapendo cosa fare, in preda a una situazione che le avrà portato un isteria che non poteva gestire, ha solo pensato di calmarsi con un'a dose. Per tutti il resto credo che siano solo kazzate. Jim avrà provato sicuramente molte sostanze ma l eroina non è quella sostanza che ti dà quella visione che lui ricercava quotidianamente perché lui, Jim era ANIMA!!! E sapete se un anima riesce a risvegliare la consapevolezza che è assopita Nell esperienza di questa fase temporale chiamata VITA cosa cerca vero?? Credo che in pochi sanno veramente di cosa parlo. Comunque…. Quando questo succede, quando ci si ricorda di essere ANIMA e di comprendere l esperienza che si sta facendo, si cerca solo di tornare in quel posto dove non esiste né felicità né dolore… Ed è proprio lì che tutti gli artisti, perché chi è ANIMA è arte in tutte le sue sfaccettature, vuole tornare il prima possibile.
Morrison was in Paris on the run from US law, a loss of his appeal would land him in jail. He could've written more poetry here.
The movies and video biographiea of Jim Morrison always show that he had a heavy full beard just before and when he died. In this video it shows pictures on the same day he died, and that he was clean shaven. Not only that, but a man in this video that saw Jim Morrison just before his death, said he looked 50 pounds over weight, but pictures of him at that time, show that to be a quite the exaggeration. Are these lies a way to try and romanticize or sensationlize his death? What is the real truth? The truth is out there, but has it died?
It's not "Jimmy" James Douglas Morrison memory ItI Pete Kr🇫🇮
Kasiaaaan, orang2 berbakat yg punya cita2 indah, dijebak untuk dibuat tidak bahagia.
I thought that this was the reason why he passed. He either tried a new drug, of course while being intoxicated by other drugs at the same time and it killed him. Or, he got "bad drugs" sold to him, and that killed him. RIP 🦎 👑
Have you ever seen anyone lose their good looks as quickly as James Morrison.? Me neither.
Click the Clapperboard TO GET RID OF the bollocks translations.
❤. If all the poet had gone to rehab
Or never started, what ❤ community ❤
I don't think he would have shot himself up and I don't know if it's possible to overdose from snorting it. I don't really buy the heroin story.
Era bravo, era pieno di talento, era bello ,era giovane,la sua fine mi atterisce ancora oggi
Gefallener Engel…..❤️🩹
Rush anyone?
I would love to see a beautiful painting of Jim sitting on that bench overlooking the Marne river. Siilohette. That would be lovely. 💯
Genau wie Janis Joplin, sie hatte sich auch vorher noch ein Päckcken
Heroin in das Hotel bringen lassen.
Oskar " Wilde"?
Sie war also "beruhigt" als
er Essen, Blut und Blutklumprn erbrach?? Ahja.
another ELVIS follower
Mr mojoraising❤❤❤❤❤❤
Надорвал сердце!Вроде поет так спокойно,спокойно и вдруг:"Ойооооо!"С таким надрывом.Зачем?Вот и результат – сердце не выдержало.Жаль парня.
L'arresto sul palco è stato come oggi, un'americanata da basso impero
Why does Inspector Jacques look like J. Edgar Hoover? I find life to be very BIZARRE😳I fell asleep watching The Twilight Zone and somehow woke up in The Twilight Zone😳
Su novia debió ayudarlo a salir del alcoholismo y drogas fue una mala mujer
Es ist schon bemerkenswert wieviel großartige Sänger plötzlich im Alter von genau 27 verstorben sind im Laufe der Jahre. 😮
C est lui qui a voulu devenir une rock star en amerique et apres cela il reveint a faire sa beatitude a paris ce mec et un desequibre mentale en plis tout la dope qui prenaient en plus de l alcool qu il engloutisser c est normal qu a new york il ses fait jeter dans lingre le mec etait talentueux et au bout de dwux annee en scene pour son retrospectif il s engrouffe et apres cela malgre tout il se sucide c est un nevrose completemwnt a cote de ses pompes et encore a l heure d aujourdhui on le considere comme jesus de nazareth franchement les francais ont pete une durite comme ci que jim morisson et le christ de la musique